Friday, January 29, 2016

PBL task 1- Storytelling and Corporate Communication


How to use storytelling for corporate communication?

Learning Objectives:

1. How to identify target audience?

2. How to make an effective story?

3. How to communicate corporate values through storytelling?


Identify target audience

For any communication plans, the choice of targeting group of audience plays the essential role that affects the other parts of the plan such as communication objectives, communication instruments, campaign execution and media planning.
According to (Patrick, Maggie and Joeri  2013) the market could be divided into many groups of customers:
  • Geographic segmentation: continents, climate, nations, regions or neighborhoods. 
  • Demographic segmentation: sex, age, family size, religion, birthplace, race, education and income.
  • Psychographic segmentation: lifestyle, personality. ( how people spend their time and money: play sports, go to cinema)
  • Behavioral segmentation: product/brand preferences. ( occasion people use a product: drink coffee in the morning). It includes regular user, potential user, first-time user or non-user.
 Characteristics of an effective segmentation:
  • Attainable
  • Measurable
  • Different
  • Large enough
On the other hand, we can make it more simple by creating an audience persona with the questions:
-Who is he/she? How does this person live the average day?
-What is the person need?
-Why does this person care about us? (information, not product/service) (Pulizzi, J. 2014)

How make an effective story + How to communicate corporate values through storytelling?

Anna Simpson stood out 5 perspectives on desire of the people:
  • Community
    Belonging -
    the customer feel that he/she is belong to a society, group of people. (ex: wearing Rolex watch- luxury brand -> high-class people-> proud)
    Customers can become a co operator (Ebay, people sell and buy stuff via a social market)
    recognized by others through the characteristics of ourselves.
  • Adventure
    Living to tell the story-
    Create imagination inside the audience about the adventure from the character's own experience.
    It can be mythical, fictional or historical story.
    Consumer fantasy- Give the people the inspirational symbol that they can achieve by using the product that makes their dream come true.
    Shared the adventure- make audience to be a part of the adventure. Linking their life progress to the adventure and assisting them with the existing tools (product/service) to achieve the success.
  • AestheticsEach person has different sense of beauty. (listening to a music, see a picture or watch a movie)
    Which elements affect the sense of the audience?
    What make the customers feel satisfied with their surroundings?
    Give the audience the sense about the product (see, smell, hear, touch) that give them pleasure.
  • VitalityThe advertising make the audiences feel that they are in the story and feel the same way as the character.
  • Purpose 
Example videos about Heineken:
De Pelsmacker, P. , Geuens, M. , Van Den Bergh, J. (2013) Marketing Communication: a European perspective, United Kingdom, Pearson Education Limited.
Simpson, A. (2014) The brand strategist 's guide to desire: How to give consumers what they actually want, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
Pulizzi, J. (2014) Epic content marketing, New York, McGraw-Hill Education.

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